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Writer's pictureJerry Sanchez

What are you really looking for in an attorney?

Simply put, will your attorney go to court for you?...will your attorney win in court?...has your attorney won in court before your case? Trial competence is what is important. I am biased, of course.

Not all personal injury cases go to court - for one reason or another. Statistically, there has been research that shows roughly 95% of all personal injury cases settle in the United States. As an experienced personal injury attorney, I would not disagree with that figure. If you are involved in a personal injury claim, there is not a high probability that you will have to go to court. However, as the old-adage goes, failing to prepare your case as if you are going to trial, is preparing to fail.

I would argue that at Martinez & Associates, PLLC, the percentage of settled cases is lower than the reported statistics. Why? Because...Martinez & Associates, PLLC, files lawsuits when they should be filed. Martinez & Associates, PLLC, attorneys go to court. Martinez & Associates, PLLC, attorneys have a history of winning in court. We understand that if a personal injury law firm does not do these things consistently, insurance companies will not show respect to our client when it comes time to settle. Many time insurance offers will remain lower than fair, unless they respect the client, and the client’s attorney. This law firm was founded on the principle that unless a law firm shows competence in trial at the end of claim, insurance companies will disregard that law firm at the beginning of a claim. As Roman General Vegetius expressed, “...if you want peace, prepare for war.”

Ask the attorney you are thinking about hiring, the one who’s picture you saw on an advertisement with a catchy pick up line you couldn't get out of your head, the one with whom you should build the relationship...the attorney who trusted enough to call, “When is the last time you went to court?” “Tell me about one of your tougher trials?” “How will you tell my story to a jury of people that do not know me, should we go to court?”

If your attorney cannot answer these tough questions for you, how do you know this attorney will be there for you when it court? At Martinez & Associates, PLLC, our attorneys can answer these questions for you. Our knowledge is based on experience that can be verified.

The experienced trial lawyers at Martinez & Associates can answer all of your questions. If there is a specific personal injury topic that you would like for our trial attorneys to go in depth into, please leave us a comment or send us an email for more information. Your questions, even if they are not relative to a current case, are important to us. Our Texas attorneys proudly serve the needs of English and Spanish speaking clients in Laredo, the Rio Grande Valley, and San Antonio.

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